Joan and I visited Italy in 2015. Our approach is a little different to some. While there a lot to see, we tend to stay in one place for a week and side trip. And while everyone knows about Tuscany, we stayed in the no less awesome region of Perugia. While we were there the World Expo was on so we took advantage of the show and tell going on and joined a trip taking in the CAP which is an amazing private car collection, the Ferrari museum and the Malpighi Balsamic house where we discovered artisan balsamic is nothing like what you buy at the store. All in one day, fantastic.
We stayed in the ancient hill towns of Spoletto and Perugia built on Etruscian heritage. Visited Norcia which was later destroyed by a major earthquake. Was introduced to porcetta, discovered how a proper pizza shop rolls in Italy, attended the European chocolate festival, visited the highest populated place in Italy and so much more. Check it out.